We curate the latest thinking and outstanding content from brands, broadcasters, filmmakers, production companies, studios, advertising and marketing agencies, media planners, publishers, games developers and other practitioners and academics who use, create, distribute, or measure branded content.

Created by StudioBOBCM

Justin Kirby is an Internet veteran who has been writing about the impact of interactive technologies on business and marketing since starting digital marketing consultancy DMC in the early 1990s. He chairs and speaks at conferences around the globe.

Justin conceived the BOBCM venture and curates all its content, with responsibility for strategic planning, publishing and promotion across all BOBCM properties.

Managing editor Greta MacFarlane has been writing books since the age of five. Formerly a copywriter and creative services director at tech-specialist marcoms agency Banner, she is responsible for the planning, production management and editing of the chronicles of BOBCM.

Former AKQA founder and creative head Mark Welland has over 20 years of interactive design experience, including the creation of ebooks, apps and web apps for local and global brands and e-learning organisations. Mark is responsible for creative development, design and production at BOBCM.

Email studio@bobcm.net